References for Leonard Euler

    1. Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990).
    2. Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica.
    1. H Bernhard, Euler, in H Wussing and W Arnold, Biographien bedeutender Mathematiker (Berlin, 1983).
    2. C B Boyer, The Age of Euler, in A History of Mathematics (1968).
    3. J T Cannon and S Dostrovsky, The evolution of dynamics : vibration theory from 1687 to 1742 (New York, 1981).
    4. R Fueter, Leonhard Euler (Basel,1948).
    5. Leonhard Euler 1707-1783 : Beitrage zu Leben und Werk (Basel-Boston, 1983).
    6. G du Pasquier, Leonhard Euler et ses amis (Paris, 1927).
    7. A Speiser, Die Basler Mathematiker (Basel, 1939).
    8. O Speiss, Leonhard Euler (1929).
    9. R Thiele, Leonhard Euler (Leipzig,1982).
    10. A P Yushkevich and E Winter (eds.), Leonhard Euler and Christian Goldbach: Briefwechsel 1729-1764 (Berlin, 1965).
    1. G L Alexanderson, Ars expositionis : Euler as writer and teacher, Math. Mag. 56 (5) (1983), 274-278.
    2. G E Andrews, Euler's pentagonal number theorem, Math. Mag. 56 (5) (1983), 279-284.
    3. A A Antropov, On Euler's partition of forms into genera, Historia Math. 22 (2) (1995), 188-193.
    4. R Ayoub, Euler and the zeta function, Amer. Math. Monthly 81 (1974), 1067-1086.
    5. P Bailhache, Deux mathématiciens musiciens : Euler et d'Alember, Physis Riv. Internaz. Storia Sci. (N.S.) 32 (1) (1995), 1-35.
    6. C Baltus, Continued fractions and the Pell equations : The work of Euler and Lagrange, Comm. Anal. Theory Contin. Fractions 3 (1994), 4-31.
    7. E J Barbeau and P J Leah, Euler's 1760 paper on divergent series, Historia Math. 3 (2) (1976), 141-160.
    8. I G Bashmakova, Leonhard Euler's contributions to algebra (Russian), Development of the ideas of Leonhard Euler and modern science 'Nauka' (Moscow, 1988), 139-152.
    9. J J Burckhardt, Leonhard Euler, 1707-1783, Math. Mag. 56 (5) (1983), 262-273.
    10. M G Butorina, Euler's use of Newton's polygon method (Russian), Voprosy Istor. Estestvoznan. i Tekhn. (2) (1992), 94-95.
    11. R Calinger, Leonhard Euler: The first St Petersburg years (1727-1741), Historia Mathematica 23 (1996), 121-166.
    12. D Cameron, Euler and Maclaurin made easy, Math. Sci. 12 (1) (1987), 3-20.
    13. G Chobanov and I Chobanov, Lagrange or Euler? I. The past, Annuaire Univ. Sofia Fac. Math. Méc. 73 (1979), 13-51.
    14. G Chobanov and I Chobanov, Lagrange or Euler? II. The present, Annuaire Univ. Sofia Fac. Math. Inform. 82 (2) (1988), 5-62.
    15. G Chobanov and I Chobanov, Lagrange or Euler? III. The future, Annuaire Univ. Sofia Fac. Math. Inform. 82 (2) (1988), 63-109.
    16. P J Davis, Leonhard Euler's integral : A historical profile of the gamma function, Amer. Math. Monthly 66 (1959), 849-869.
    17. M A B Deakin, Euler's invention of integral transforms, Arch. Hist. Exact Sci. 33 (4) (1985), 307-319.
    18. J Dhombres, A l'occasion du bicentenaire de la mort de Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), Rev. Histoire Sci. 40 (3-4) (1987), 383-386.
    19. J Dutka, On the summation of some divergent series of Euler and the zeta functions, Arch. Hist. Exact Sci. 50 (2) (1996), 187-200.
    20. H M Edwards, Euler and quadratic reciprocity, Math. Mag. 56 (5) (1983), 285-291.
    21. P Erdös and U Dudley, Some remarks and problems in number theory related to the work of Euler, Math. Mag. 56 (5) (1983), 292-298.
    22. J Ewing, Leonhard Euler, Math. Intelligencer 5 (3) (1983), 5-6.
    23. E A Fellmann, Leonhard Euler 1707-1783 : Schlaglichter auf sein Leben und Werk, Helv. Phys. Acta 56 (6) (1983), 1099-1131.
    24. B F Finkel, Biography. Leonard Euler, Amer. Math. Monthly 4 (1897), 297-302.
    25. C G Fraser, The concept of elastic stress in eighteenth-century mechanics : some examples from Euler, in Hamiltonian dynamical systems (New York, 1995), 1-14.
    26. C G Fraser, The origins of Euler's variational calculus, Arch. Hist. Exact Sci. 47 (2) (1994), 103-141.
    27. C G Fraser, Mathematical technique and physical conception in Euler's investigation of the elastica, Centaurus 34 (3) (1991), 211-246.
    28. C G Fraser, Isoperimetric problems in the variational calculus of Euler and Lagrange, Historia Math. 19 (1) (1992), 4-23.
    29. H H Frisinger, The solution of a famous two-centuries-old problem : The Leonhard Euler Latin square conjecture, Historia Math. 8 (1) (1981), 56-60.
    30. S Gaukroger, The metaphysics of impenetrability : Euler's conception of force, British J. Hist. Sci. 15 (50) (1982), 132-154.
    31. L A Golland and R W Golland, Euler's troublesome series : an early example of the use of trigonometric series, Historia Math. 20 (1) (1993), 54-67.
    32. C Grau, Leonhard Euler und die Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaften, in Ceremony and scientific conference on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the death of Leonhard Euler (Berlin, 1985), 139-149.
    33. J Gray, Leonhard Euler 1707-1783, Janus : archives internationales pour l'histoire de la medecine et pour la geographie medicale 72 (1985), 171-192.
    34. J Gray, Leonhard Euler : 1707-1783, Janus 72 (1-3) (1985), 171-192.
    35. D R Green, Euler, Math. Spectrum 15 (3) (1982/83), 65-68.
    36. E Hammer and S-J Shin, Euler and the role of visualization in logic, in Logic, language and computation 1 (Stanford, CA, 1996), 271-286.
    37. S H Hollingdale, Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) : a bicentennial tribute, Bull. Inst. Math. Appl. 19 (5-6) (1983), 98-105.
    38. R W Home, Leonhard Euler's 'anti-Newtonian' theory of light, Ann. of Sci. 45 (5) (1988), 521-533.
    39. N P Khomenko and T M Vyvrot, Euler and Kirchhoff - initiators of the main directions in graph theory II (Russian), in Sketches on the history of mathematical physics 'Naukova Dumka' (Kiev, 1985), 28-34.
    40. M Kline, Euler and infinite series, Math. Mag. 56 (5) (1983), 307-314.
    41. E Knobloch, Leibniz and Euler : problems and solutions concerning infinitesimal geometry and calculus, Conference on the History of Mathematics (Rende, 1991), 293-313.
    42. E Knobloch, Eulers früheste Studie zum Dreikörperproblem, Amphora (Basel, 1992), 389-405.
    43. W Knobloch, Leonhard Eulers Wirken an der Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1741-1766, Studies in the History of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR 11 (Berlin, 1984).
    44. Yu Kh Kopelevich, Euler's election as a member of the London Royal Society (Russian), Voprosy Istor. Estestvoznan. i Tekhn. (3) (1982), 142.
    45. B D Kovalev, Formation of Euler hydrodynamics (Russian), in Investigations in the history of mechanics 'Nauka' (Moscow, 1983), 146-167.
    46. T A Krasotkina, The correspondence of L Euler and J Stirling (Russian), Istor.-Mat. Issled. 10 (1957), 117-158.
    47. H Loeffel, Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), Mitt. Verein. Schweiz. Versicherungsmath. (1) (1984), 19-32.
    48. J Lützen, Euler's vision of a general partial differential calculus for a generalized kind of function, Math. Mag. 56 (5) (1983), 299-306.
    49. A E Malykh, From the combinatorial legacy of Leonard Euler (Russian), Istor. Metodol. Estestv. Nauk 36 (1989), 66-74.
    50. A E Malykh, Euler's creation of the combinatorial theory of Latin squares (Russian), Istor.-Mat. Issled. 27 (1983), 102-123.
    51. G K Mikhailov, Leonhard Euler and his contribution to the development of rational mechanics (Russian), Adv. in Mech. 8 (1) (1985), 3-58.
    52. G K Mikhailov, G Schmidt and L I Sedov, Leonhard Euler und das Entstehen der klassischen Mechanik, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 64 (2) (1984), 73-82.
    53. M Panza, De la nature épargnante aux forces généreuses : le principe de moindre action entre mathématiques et métaphysique. Maupertuis et Euler, 1740-1751, Rev. Histoire Sci. 48 (4) (1995), 435-520.
    54. H Pieper, On Euler's contributions to the four-squares theorem, Historia Math. 20 (1) (1993), 12-18.
    55. K Röttel, Zum 200. Todestag Leonhard Eulers, Praxis Math. 25 (9) (1983), 275-280.
    56. H Sachs, M Stiebitz and R J Wilson, An historical note : Euler's Königsberg letters, J. Graph Theory 12 (1) (1988), 133-139.
    57. H Samelson, In defense of Euler, Enseign. Math. (2) 42 (3-4) (1996), 377-382.
    58. G N Sarma, Leonhard Euler, the monarch of mathematicians, Math. Education 6 (1972), B53-B58.
    59. M F Subbotin, Leonhard Euler and the astronomical problems of his time (Russian), Voprosy Ist. Estest. i Tehn. 7 (1959), 58-66.
    60. R Taton, Euler et d'Alembert, in On the work of Leonhard Euler (Basel-Boston, Mass., 1984), 95-117.
    61. H-J Treder, Euler und die Gravitationstheorie, in Ceremony and scientific conference on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the death of Leonhard Euler (Berlin, 1985), 112-119.
    62. C Truesdell, Euler's contribution to the theory of ships and mechanics, Centaurus 26 (4) (1982/83), 323-335.
    63. C Truesdell, Prefaces to volumes of Euler's Opera Omnia .
    64. I A Tyulina, Euler's hydraulic studies (Russian), in Investigations in the history of mechanics 'Nauka' (Moscow, 1983), 167-177.
    65. J A van Maanen, Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) : man, worker, migrant, genius (Dutch), Nieuw Tijdschr. Wisk. 71 (1) (1983/84) 1-11.
    66. G R Veldkamp, Leonhard Euler (Dutch), Nieuw Tijdschr. Wisk. 71 (2) (1983), 47-54.
    67. D Vischer, Daniel Bernoulli and Leonard Euler, the advent of hydromechanics, in G Garbrecht (ed.), Hydraulics and Hydraulic Research: A Historical Review (Rotterdam-Boston, 1987), 145-156.
    68. A Weil, Euler, Amer. Math. Monthly 91 (9) (1984), 537-542.
    69. C Wilson, Euler on action- at- a- distance and fundamental equations in continuum mechanics, in The investigation of difficult things (Cambridge, 1992), 399-420.
    70. A P Yushkevich, Leonhard Euler - sein Leben und mathematisches Werk, in Ceremony and scientific conference on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the death of Leonhard Euler (Berlin, 1985), 17-33.
    71. A P Yushkevich, Leonhard Euler and mathematical education in Russia (Russian), Mat. v Shkole (5) (1983), 71-74.
    72. A P Yushkevich, Life and mathematical achievement of Leonard Euler (Russian), Uspehi Mat. Nauk, 3-28.
    73. A P Yushkevich, Leonhard Euler : Life and work (Russian), in Development of the ideas of Leonhard Euler and modern science 'Nauka' (Moscow, 1988), 15-46.
    74. A P Yushkevich, Life and work of Leonhard Euler : On the occasion of the 275th anniversary of his birth and the 200th anniversary of his death (Russian), Vestnik Akad. Nauk SSSR (5) (1984), 106-115.

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