References for Sergei Sobolev

    1. P S Aleksandrov, R A Aleksandryan, V M Babich, N S Bakhvalov, O V Besov, L V Kantorovich, V I Lebedev, V N Maslennikova, O A Oleinik and S V Uspenskii, Sergei L'vovich Sobolev (on the occasion of his 70th birthday) (Russian), Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 34 (1)(205) (1979), 3-15.
    2. N S Bakhvalov, V S Vladimirov, A A Gonchar, L D Kudryavtsev, V I Lebedev, S M Nikol'skii, S P Novikov, O A Oleinik and Yu G Reshetnyak, Sergei L'vovich Sobolev (on the occasion of his eightieth birthday) (Russian), Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 43 (5)(263) (1988), 3-16.
    3. N S Bakhvalov, V S Vladimirov, A A Gonchar, L D Kudryavtsev, V I Lebedev, S M Nikol'skii, S P Novikov, O A Oleinik and Yu G Reshetnyak, Sergei L'vovich Sobolev (on the occasion of his eightieth birthday), Russian Math. Surveys43 (5) (1988), 1-18.
    4. A V Bicadze, L V Kantorovic and M A Lavrent'ev, Sergei L'vovic Sobolev : On the occasion of his sixtieth birthday (Russian), Uspehi Mat. Nauk23 (5)(143) (1968), 177-186.
    5. A V Bicadze, L V Kantorovic and M A Lavrent'ev, Sergei L'vovic Sobolev : On the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, Russian Math. Surveys23 (5) (1968), 131-140.
    6. N P Erugin, Ju S Bogdanov, Ju M Vuvunikjan, E A Ivanov, V I Krylov, L D Kudrjavcev, Ja V Radyno and S V Uspenskii, Sergei L'vovic Sobolev (on the occasion of his seventieth birthday) (Russian), Differentsial'nye Uravneniya14 (10) (1978), 1907-1910.
    7. In memoriam: Sergei L'vovich Sobolev (Russian), Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov192 (1990), 3-4.
    8. In memoriam: Sergei L'vovich Sobolev, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (3) (1992), 1-2.
    9. A N Kolmogorov and O A Oleinik, S L Sobolev and modern mathematics (on the occasion of his 75th birthday) (Russian), Mat. v Shkole (1) (1984), 73-77.
    10. A N Kolmogorov and O A Oleinik, Sergei L'vovich Sobolev (on the 70th anniversary of his birth) (Russian), Mat. v Shkole No. 6 (1978), 67-73.
    11. M M Lavrent'ev, et al., In memory of Sergei L'vovich Sobolev (Russian), Sibirsk. Mat. Zh. 30 (3) (1989), 214-216.
    12. M M Lavrent'ev, et al., In memory of Sergei L'vovich Sobolev, Siberian Math. J. 30 (3) (1989), 502-504.
    13. J Leray, La vie et l'oeuvre de Serge Sobolev, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. Gén. Vie Sci. 7 (6) (1990), 467-471.
    14. Z Lerè, A review of the work of S L Sobolev, 1930-1955 (Russian), Istor.-Mat. Issled. No. 34 (1993), 267-273.
    15. O A Oleinik, The 1988 M V Lomonosov Gold Medals to S L Sobolev and J Leray (Russian), Priroda (7) (1989), 106-108.
    16. Yu G Reshetnyak, S S Kutateladze, V N Maslennikova and S V Uspenskii, Sergei L'vovich Sobolev (on the occasion of his eightieth birthday) (Russian), Sibirsk. Mat. Zh. 29 (5) (1988), 3-10.
    17. Sergei L'vovich Sobolev (on the occasion of his 75th birthday) (Russian), Sibirsk. Mat. Zh. 24 (5) (1983), 3-11.
    18. Sergei L'vovich Sobolev (on the occasion of his seventieth birthday) (Russian), in Mathematical analysis and related mathematical questions (Russian) (Novosibirsk, 1978), 3-4.
    19. Sergei L'vovich Sobolev (on the occasion of his seventieth birthday) (Russian), Sibirsk. Mat. Zh. 19 (5) (1978), 963-969.
    20. Sergei L'vovich Sobolev (Russian), Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 44 (4)(268) (1989), 5.
    21. Sergei L'vovich Sobolev, Russian Math. Surveys 44 (4) (1989), 1.
    22. Sergei L'vovich Sobolev : 1908-1989, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 36 (7) (1989), 853.
    23. M. I. Vishik and L. A. Liusternik, Sergei L'vovic Sobolev : on his 50th birthday (Romanian), Acad. R. P. Romine. An. Romino-Soviet. Ser. Mat.-Fiz. (3) 14 (1)(32) (1960), 208-215.
    24. M. I. Vishik and L. A. Lyusternik, Sergei L'vovic Sobolev : on his 50th birthday (Russian), Uspehi Mat. Nauk 14 (3)(87) (1959), 203-214.
    25. V. I. Vorotnikov, L. N. Zaikov, V. A. Medvedev, et al., Sergei L'vovich Sobolev (Russian), Vestnik Akad. Nauk SSSR (3) (1989), 92-93.
    26. V. I. Vorotnikov, L. N. Zaikov, V. A. Medvedev, et al., Sergei Lvovich Sobolev (1908-1989) (Bulgarian), Fiz.-Mat. Spis. Bulgar. Akad. Nauk. 31 (64) (2) (1989), 130.
    27. Sergei L'vovich Sobolev (the page at the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences). (English and Russian)
