Chistov, Alexander Leonidovich Strong version of the basic deciding algorithm for the existential theory of real fields. English, Russian LATEX 2e Email address: Series: St. Petersburg Mathematical Society Preprints To be submitted to Zapiski Nauchnych Semin. POMI Abstract: Let $U$ be a real algebraic set in $n$--dimensional affine space which is given as a set of zeros of a family of polynomials of degrees less than $d$. Let $U_i$, $i\in I$ be the family of all irreducible components of $U$. Let $U_i^{(s)}$ be the closure in the classical topology of the set of all smooth points of dimension $s$ of $U_i$. In the paper an algorithm is described for constructing a finite set $S$ of points of $U$ which has a non--empty intersection with every connected component of every $U_i^{(s)}$ for every $i\in I$, $0\le s\le n$. The number of points of $S$ is bounded from above by a polynomial in $d^n$. The similar result is valid for basic semi--algebraic sets. The working time of the algorithm (for the case of algebraic varieties) is polynomial in the size of input and $d^n$. More precise formulations are given below involving triangulations of $U$ if $U$ is bounded (respectively of the Alexandrov compactification of $U$ if $U$ is not bounded).