[Authors] O. I. Reinov [Title] How bad can a Banach space with the approximation property be? II [AMS Subj-class] 46B28 Spaces of operators; tensor products; approximation properties [Abstract] We investigate Banach spaces possessing the Grothendieck approximation property which do not have the $C$-metric compact (or weakly compact) approximation properties for $1\le C<\infty$. As an example let us cite the following result (Corollary 6): for each $\alpha\ge1$ there exist separable Banach spaces $E$ and $F$ and an operator $T:E\to F$ such that $E$ is $\alpha$-complemented in $E^{**}$, the space $F$ is reflexive, $T\in\alpha-MAP$, but $T\notin\beta-CAP$ if $\beta<\alpha$; moreover, all the duals of $E$ -- $E^*, E^{**},...$ -- have the property $MCAP$. [Comments] AMSTeX, 11 pp., Russian [Contact e-mail] orein@orein.usr.pu.ru