[Author] V. V. Nekrutkin [Title] Polya processes and sequences: the martingale characterization [AMS Subj-class] 60G55 Point processes 60G44 Martingales with continuous parameter 91B42 Comsumer behavior [Abstract] It is proved that a mixed Poisson process $\xi_t$ is a P\'{o}ly{a} process iff there exists a non-degenerate linear transformation $\xi_t\mapsto \eta_t = a(t)\xi_t+b(t)$ such that $\eta_t$ is the martingale. Analogous result is valid for P\'{o}ly{a} sequences. [Keywords] mixed Poisson processes, Polya processes, martingale characterization [Comments] English, LaTeX, 7 pp. [Contact e-mail] nekr@VN1068.spb.edu