[Author] A. L. Chistov [Title] Double-exponential lower bound for the degree of any system of generators of a polynomial prime ideal [AMS Subj-class] 14Q15 Higher-dimensional varieties [Abstract] Consider a polynomial ring $A$ in $n+1$ variables over an arbitrary infinite field $k$. We prove that for all sufficiently big $n$ and $d$ there is a homogeneous prime ideal ${\mathfrak p}\subset A$ satisfying the following conditions. The ideal ${\mathfrak p}$ corresponds to a defined over $k$ and irreducible over $\overline{k}$ component of a projective algebraic variety given by a system of homogeneous polynomial equations with polynomials from $A$ of degrees less than $d$. Any system of generators of ${\mathfrak p}$ contains a polynomial of degree at least $d^{2^{cn}}$ for an absolute constant $c>0$ which can be computed efficiently. This solves an important old problem in effective algebraic geometry. For the case of finite fields we obtain a slightly less strong result. [Comments] LaTeX, English (21 pp.) & Russian (23 pp.) [Contact e-mail] alch@pdmi.ras.ru