[Author] A. I. Nazarov [Title] Hoelder estimates of solutions to degenerate nondivergence elliptic and parabolic equations [AMS Subj-class] 35B45 A priori estimates 35J70 Elliptic partial differential equations of degenerate type 35K65 Parabolic partial differential equations of degenerate type [Abstract] We deal with a class of nondivergence type elliptic and parabolic equations degenerating at the coordinate hyperplanes. Asuming that the degeneration is coordinate-wise and regularly varying we prove Hoelder continuity of solutions. Also the approximative solutions are considered. [Keywords] nondivergence equations; Hoelder estimates; degeneration; regularly varying functions [Comments] Russian, 18 pp. [Contact e-mail] an@AN4751.spb.edu