[Author] Birman, M.Sh.; Suslina, T.A. [Title] Operator error estimates in homogenization of nonstationary periodic equations [AMS Subj-class] 35B27 Homogenization; partial differential equations in media with periodic structure [Abstract] We study matrix periodic differential operators $A=A(x,D)$ acting in $L_2(R^d;C^n)$ and admitting a factorization of the form $A=X^*X$, where $X$ is a homogeneous first order differential operator. We put $A_\epsilon = A(\epsilon^{-1}x,D)$, $\epsilon >0$, and consider the Cauchy problem for the Schrodinger equation $i\partial_\tau u_\epsilon = A_\epsilon u_\epsilon$ and the Cauchy problem for the hyperbolic equation $\partial^2_\tau u_\epsilon = -A_\epsilon u_\epsilon$. We study the behavior of solutions $u_\epsilon$ as $\epsilon \to 0$. Let $u_0$ be the solution of the corresponding homogenized problem. We obtain the estimates of order $\epsilon$ for the norm of the difference $u_\epsilon - u_0$ in $L_2(\R^d;\C^n)$ for a fixed $\tau \in R$. The estimates are uniform with respect to the norm of initial data in the Sobolev space $H^s(\R^d;\C^n)$, where $s=3$ in the case of the Schrodinger equation and $s=2$ in the case of the hyperbolic equation. We trace the dependence of constants in estimates on $\tau$, which allows us to obtain qualified error estimates for small $\epsilon$ and large $|\tau| = O(\epsilon^{-\alpha})$ with appropriate $\alpha <1$. [Keywords] periodic operators, nonstationary equations, Cauchy problem, threshold effect, homogenization, effective operator [Comments] Russian, 70 pp. [Contact e-mail] suslina@list.ru