[Author] Oleg Reinov [Title] Approximation of operators in dual spaces by adjoints [AMS Subj-class] 46B28 Spaces of operators; tensor products; approximation properties [Abstract] Let X,Y be Banach spaces, T: Y^*\to X^* be a linear continuous operator. Is it possible to approximate T by operators of kind S^*: Y^*\to X^* (adjoint to the operators from X to Y) in the topologies of compact convergence in L(Y^*,X^*) and pointwise X\times Y^*-convergence in L(Y^*,X^*), as well as to approximate the operator T^*|_X: X\to Y^{**} in corresponding topologies by operators acting from X to Y? The properties of (C,k)-metric approximation are intriduced. Some sufficient (and, in a sence, necessary) conditions are given for the approximation of T (or T^*|_X) on all k-dimensional subspaces of corresponding spaces. Some examples are considered of the operators which can not be approximated (e.g., X\times Y^*-pointwise), - for Banach spaces with AP, but without MAP, for the spaces with AP and MAP, for the spaces without AP. [Comments] LaTeX, Russian, 10 pp. [Contact e-mail] orein51@mail.ru