[Author] Oleg Reinov [Title] Approximation of $p$-summing operators by adjoints [AMS Subj-class] 47B10 Operators belonging to operator ideals 47A58 Operator approximation theory [Abstract] We consider the following question for the ideals $\Pi_p$ of absolutely $p$-summing operators: Is it true that, for given Banach spaces $X$ and $Y$, the unit ball of the space $\Pi_p(X,Y)$ is dense, for some natural topology, in the unit ball of the space $\Pi_p(X,Y^{**})$ or in the unit ball of the corresponding space $\Pi_p^{dual}(Y^*,X^*):= \{U: Y^*\to X^*\, |\ U^*|_X\in \Pi_p(X,Y^{**})\}$? As "natural topologies", we consider strong and weak operator topologies, compact--open topology, topology of $X\times Y^*$-convergence etc. [Comments] LaTeX, English, 8 pp. [Contact e-mail] orein51@mail.ru