[Authors] Oleg Reinov [Title] Some more remarks on Grothendieck-Lidskii trace formulas [AMS Subj-class] 47B06 (s,p,q)-nuclear operators, eigenvalue distributions [Abstract] Theorem: Let $r\in (0,1], 1\le p\le2,$ $u\in X^*\wh\otimes X$ and $u$ admits a representation $$ u=\sum_i \lambda_i x'_i\otimes x_i, $$ with $(\la_i)\in l_r,$ $(x'_i)$ bounded and $(x_i)\in l_{p'}^w(X).$ If $1/r+1/2-1/p=1,$ then the system $(\mu_k)$ of all eigenvalues of the corresponding operator $\wt{u}$ (written according to their algebraic multiplicities) is absolutely summable and $$ trace u=\sum_k \mu_k.$$ One of the main aim of these notes is not only to give a proof of the theorem but also to show that it could be obtained by A. Grothendieck in 1955. [Comments] LaTeX, English, 7 pp. [Contact e-mail] orein51@mail.ru