[Author] Oleg Reinov [Title] $H^\infty$ and the Grothendieck approximation property [AMS Subj-class] 30H10 Hardy spaces 46B28 Spaces of operators; tensor products; approximation properties [Abstract] This is a version of a talk at the Workshop and Autumn School "Spaces of Analytic Functions and Singular Integrals (SAFSI2015)" Russia, St. Petersburg, October 12-15, 2015. We present a small survey of all (known to us, and we think to everybody) results, concerning the following open question: Does $H^\infty$ have the approximation property? Note that the best of the results is still the theorem, due to Bourgain-Reinov (1983): $H^\infty$ has the approximation property "up to log". [Comments] LaTeX, English, 27 pp. [Contact e-mail] orein51@mail.ru