[Authors] A. A. Mekler [Title] Regular functions and conditional expectation operators on ordered ideals of $L^1(0,1)$-space [AMS Subj-class] 46E30 Spaces of measurable functions [Abstract] The article treats the role of action of conditional expectation operators in the real interpolation between $L^1(0,1)$ and $L^\infty(0,1)$. The main results are the following: 1). If all the above mentioned operators translate into itself \Big(one says \emph{average}\Big) an real vector ordeded ideal $X$ which lies between $L^1(0,1)$ and $L^\infty(0,1)$, then $X$ is interpolated. 2). There exist a class of sub-$\sigma$-algebras \Big(which are called \emph{verifying}\Big) such that averaging of $X$ by an arbitrary verifying $\sigma$-subalgebras guarantees for $X$ to be being interpolated where $X$ is every \emph{symmetrical} \Big(=rearrangement invariant\Big) ideal. 3). The full classification of verifying sub-$\sigma$-algebras in the class of independently complemented sub-$\sigma$-algebras is given. 4). For a \emph{principal} symmetrical ideal $X$ \Big(=generated by a function $f\in L^1(0,1)$\Big) an efficiently criterion is given in order to $X$ were averaged by an arbitrary independently complemented sub-$\sigma$-algebra. [Comments] LaTeX, Russian, 85 pp. [Contact e-mail] alexandre.mekler@mail.ru