[Author] Meshkova, Yu. M. [Title] Homogenization with the corrector for periodic parabolic systems in the $L_2(\mathbb{R}^d)$-norm [AMS Subj-class] 35B27 Homogenization; equations in media with periodic structure 35K45 Initial value problems for second-order parabolic systems [Keywords] periodic differential operators, parabolic systems, homogenization, operator error estimates [Abstract] In $L_2(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$, we consider a self-adjoint matrix elliptic second order differential operator $\mathcal{B}_\varepsilon$, $0<\varepsilon \leqslant 1$. The principal part of the operator is given in a factorized form, the operator contains first and zero order terms. The operator $\mathcal{B}_\varepsilon$ is positive definite, its coefficients are periodic and depend on $\mathbf{x}/\varepsilon$. We study the behavior of the operator exponential $e^{-\mathcal{B}_\varepsilon t}$, $t\geqslant 0$, in the small period limit. Approximation in the $(L_2\rightarrow L_2)$-operator norm with error estimate of order $O(\varepsilon ^2)$ is obtained. In this approximation, the corrector is taken into account. The results are applied to homogenization of the solutions for the parabolic Cauchy problem. [Comments] LaTeX, Russian, 69 pp. Postal address: Chebyshev Laboratory, St. Petersburg State University, 14th Line V.O., 29B, Saint Petersburg 199178 Russia. [Contact e-mail] y.meshkova@spbu.ru