[Author] Lodkin, A. A. [Title] Klein sail and Diophantine approximation of a vector [AMS Subj-class] 11H06 Lattices and convex bodies; 11J70 Continued fractions and generalizations; 52C07 Lattices and convex bodies in $n$ dimensions [Keywords] Klein polyhedron, Klein sail, Diophantine approximation, golden number, plastic number, Voronoi cell [Abstract] In the works by Arnold and his followers, based on the ideas of Poincare and Klein, the Klein sails were built for some class of operators in $R^n$, and they were called multi-dimensional continued fractions. Another class of generalizations of continued fractions was related to sequences of rational bases approximating an irrational vector. We present a modification of the Klein's polyhedron and sail that is related directly to an irrational vector. We present a numerical characteristic of the sail related to a one-parameter group of transformations of a lattice and the induced deformation of the Voronoi cell and call it asymptotoc anisotropy. This characteristic can probably give a geometric characterization of irrational vectors worst approximable by rational ones. In 2D, we give the candidate to such a vector which is related to the least Pisot number and may be considered a vector analog of the golden number. [Comments] LaTeX, Russian, 4 pp. [Contact e-mail] alodkin@gmail.com