Please fill in the following items. 1. Author(s): (in Roman spelling. Separate multiple authors by ; for example: Ilf, I.A.; Petrov, Evgenii P.) 2. Email address of contact person: 3. Title of the paper (in English): 4. It is written in (language): 5. Date (year, month, day): 6. Primary MSC: (AMS Mathematics Subjects Classification scheme index) 7. Secondary MSC (not necessary): 8. Keywords (separated by comma(s); not necessary): 9. Abstract (English, not more than 12 lines 80 characters yech): 10. Notes (not necessary): Notes should not exceed 5 lines of 80 characters each. Notes could for instance contain postal addresses of the authors, a remark whether the paper originates from a theses, information on the revision history of the paper, hints on work subsequent to the paper by the authors or others.