1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | Forthcoming | Russian version


November 23, 2000
Mathematical lectorium for students
A.A. Lodkin. Mathematical theory of quasicrystals.
Quasicrystals are nonperiodic configurations in space that have many properties of crystals (i.e., periodic configurations). An example is the famous Penrose's tiling discovered in 1973. These objects attracted attention of mathematicians and physicists. In 1984, physicists obtained quasicrystallic metallic alloys with 5th order symmetry which is forbidden for crystals. Very soon mathematicians discovered remarkable connections between quasicrystals and harmonic analysis, mathematical physics, number theory, mathematical logic, dynamical systems. Some aspects of this theory is the subject of the lecture.

November 21, 2000
A joint meeting of the Society and the Mathematical Section of "Dom Uchenykh"
Lectures of the "Young Mathematician" Prize winners for 1998 and 2000.
1. N.V. Tsilevich. Infinite-dimensional analogue of the Lebesgue measure and some properties of the gamma process.
The talk presents the results of the joint work with A.Vershik and M.Yor. We define a sigma-finite measure on the space of discrete measures on a measurable space which is equivalent to the law of the classical gamma process and is invariant under an infinite-dimensional group of multiplicators. This measure was first discovered in the works by Gelfand--Graev--Vershik
on the representation theory of current groups, but we construct it explicitly using some properties of the gamma process. The above invariance property is a natural generalization of the corresponding property of the Lebesgue measure in Rn, and this allows us to call the constructed measure the infinite-dimensional Lebesgue measure. It enjoys many distinguished properties, some of them will be considered in the talk.
2. O.V. Demchenko. Formal groups and the Hilbert symbol.
October 31, 2000
Computer technologies for teaching mathematics (explanations and demonstrations)
A. I. Kirillov (Moscow).  Symbolic mathematical systems and their role in mathematical education of engineers.
A. B. Pirozhnikov, S. Yu. Slavyanov. SFTools -- a knowledge based and educational system on special functions.
    An information system on special functions SFTools functioning as an independent Knowledge Based dialogue system as well as in the other modification as an educational client-server system is exposed. The mathematical contents of SFTools is based on the book Unified theory of special functions by S.Yu.Slavyanov and W.Lay being in print in Oxford University Press. The whole project is led by S.Yu.Slavyanov. After printing the book SFtools can be ordered as a CD-ROM disk.

    The following special functions are presented in the system:
    1) hypergeometric-type functions, 2) Heun functions, 3) Painleve transcendents, 4) orthogonal polynomials.
    For these functions basic differential equations with emphasize to singularities, integral relations, series expansions, Riemann's P-symbols and other important characteristics are given. Output in TEX format is available. The numerical values of functions can be computed by Jaffe-Lay algorithm.

Information of the representative of the Scientific-Publishing Center Regular and Chaotic Dynamics on their editorial plans.

September 7, 2000.
A joint meeting with the General Mathematics Seminar of the PDMI
A meeting dedicated to the memory of Sergey V. Kerov (1946-2000).
Speakers: A.A.Lodkin, A.M. Vershik, G.I.Olshanski.
Video record available

May 30, 2000
Erling Stormer (Norway). The variational principle for a class of asymptotically Abelian C*-algebras.

April 14, 2000
Mathematical lectorium for students
N.N. Voyakovskaya. International student olympiads on programming.

April 11, 2000
A joint meeting of the Society and the Mathematical Section of "Dom Uchenykh"
dedicated to the memory of Paul Erdos (1913-1996)
A video about Erdos. Commentaries by Yu.V. Matiyasevich, A.M. Vershik.
Video record available

March 23, 2000
V.G. Osmolovskii. Variational problems of phase transitions in continuous media mechanics.

January 11, 2000
A joint meeting with the General Mathematics Seminar of the PDMI
A meeting dedicated to the memory of Anatoly G. Izergin.
1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | Forthcoming


December 23, 1999
A joint meeting of the Society and a General PDMI Seminar
A lecture of the "Young Mathematician" Prize winner for 1999.
G.B. Mikhalkin. Surfaces in 3-space and their amoebas

December 7, 1999
N.E. Mnev. On Alexander problem in piecewise-linear topology. 
November 16, 1999
A meeting in the memory of A.D. Aleksandrov (1912-1999).
Speakers: A.M. Vershik, A.L. Verner, N.N. Ural'tseva, I.Kh. Sabitov, N.A. Shanin, L.V. Nikishova, I.A. Ibragimov, L.A. Verbitskaya, A.A. Ivanov, I.V. Stepanov, A.I. Nazarov, A.N. Borisova, D.A. Medvedeva. Texts of the speeches sent by V.A. Zalgaller, Yu.G. Reshetnyak, and A.V. Pogorelov were read.

October 28, 1999
Joint meeting of the Mathematical Society and of the General Math. seminar of POMI
Martin Davis. Alan Turing's Universal Computer. 
October 26, 1999
Computers in mathematical investigations.
1. Yu.V. Matiyasevich. Computation of the generalized Chebyshev polynomials on a computer.
2. N.N. Vassiliev. Computer algebra and Internet.

October 5, 1999
N.A.Vavilov. The (1 + \epsilon)-generation of finite simple groups and Hurwitz groups. 
August 19-25, 1999
A conference "Topology and Dynamics: V.A. Rokhlin memorial" was held (organized by the Steklov Mathematical Institute at St. Petersburg, The Euler International Institute, St. Petersburg Mathematical Society, and St. Petersburg State University)

June 1, 1999
Pierre Cartier (Paris). Integrable differential equations and combinatorics of polyhedra.

May 25, 1999
Joining School with the World Mathematical Culture. A meeting dedicated to the memory of Nikolai B.Vasiliev.
Main speakers: M. Bashmakov, A.I. Plotkin, A. Bell (Nottingham), E. Gelfman (Tomsk).

3rd European Mathematical Society Lectures by M.Yu. Lyubich (Stony Brook, USA).
April 27, 1999
I.A. Dynnikov (Moscow). Three-page approach in knot theory. 

April 13, 1999
O.R. Musin (Moscow). Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations.

March 30, 1999
A.P. Petukhov (St. Petersburg Technical University). Wavelets and their applications.

January 12, 1999
A joint meeting of the Society and the Mathematical Section of "Dom Uchenykh" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of academician V. A. Fock (1898 -- 1974).
Speakers: L. D. Faddeev, A. M. Vershik, G. I. Petrashen', Yu. Demkov, I. V. Komarov.
January 5, 1999.
V. A. Kaimanovich (Rennes). Symbolic dynamics, ergodicity of cocycles, and geometric applications. 
1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | Forthcoming


December 22, 1998.
S. V. Kislyakov. Operator spaces and the similarity problem. 
October 22, 1998
Mathematical lectorium for students
A.I. Generalov. Homological algebra from the point of view of elementary algebra

October 13, 1998
I.A. Panin. Four squares and the Grothendieck conjecture. 
September 22, 1998
Impressions about the 1998 International Congress of Mathematicians
(A.M. Vershik, S.V. Kislyakov, N.Yu. Netsvetaev, A.N. Borodin, N.N. Ural'tseva)

May 12, 1998
S.Yu. Pilyugin. Shadowing of pseudotrajectories in dynamical systems.

April 28, 1998
S.K. Smirnov (the Society Prize laureate for 1997). Removable sets for analytical functions.

April 7, 1998.
V.A. Kaimanovich (Rennes). Ergodic properties of horocycle flows. 
March 10, 1998
Elections of the Ruling Bodies of the Society.
February 17, 1998.
Computers in fundamental mathematical research II (a continuation of the meeting held on December 16, 1997).
V.I. Mysovskikh. Group-theoretic computations in computer algebra system GAP
 (Groups, Algorithms and Programming).
B.A. Novikov. Mathematical computer polygraphy, and electronic publications.

1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | Forthcoming


December 16
Computers in fundamental mathematical research.
1. G. S. Tseytin. Machinery of the Internet.
2. N. N. Vassiliev. Computer algebra systems: from symbolic transformations to the maintenance of a modern mathematical tool set.
3. B. A. Novikov. Mathematical computer polygraphy and electronic publications.
2. V. I. Mysovskikh. Calculations with semigroups in the computer algebra packet GAP (Groups, Algorithms, and Programming). 
December 11
M. Gromov (IHES, France). Endomorphisms of infinitely-dimensional algebraic spaces.
December 13
M. Gromov. Statistical geometry of algebraic manifolds.

November 11, 1997
Recent results by young St. Petersburg mathematicians
O. L. Vinogradov. On some exact inequalities in approximation theory.
T. N. Shilkin. On the regularity of solutions of some boundary problems in mechanics. 
October 16
A joint meeting of the Society and of the POMI Colloquium.
V. I. Arnold. Topological questions of wave propagation
Mathematical lectorium for students.
V. I. Arnold. Topological classification of complex and real trigonometric polynomials and graph enumeration. 
June 24
A joint meeting of the International conference in the memory of D.K. Faddeev (1907 - 1989) and of the Society
April 15
V. V. Zhuk. Best approximations and functions of the class Cr
March 25
I. Kh. Sabitov. Volume of a polyhedron as a function of lengths of its edges (a generalized Heron formula). 
February 18
P. P. Kargaev. Generalized Fourier transform related to a differential operator. 
1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | Forthcoming


November, 19
M. N. Gusarov. Invariants of finite degree of three-dimensional manifolds. 
October, 22
John Coates (Cambridge). The arithmetic of the elliptic curves. 
September, 24
O. Ya. Viro. Invariants of finite degree as degrees of mapping. 
April, 8
A. M. Vershik. The asymptotic theory of partitions from the standpoint of statistical physics. 
March, 5
Delivering of the "Young mathematician" prize  for 1995. The prize winner's talk:
S. V. Ivanov. The Hopf's conjecture about the Riemannian metrics without conjugate points on the torus. 
February, 20
A meeting devoted to the jubilees of the Society members:
V. A. Zalgaller, A. A. Ivanov, V. N. Kublanovskaya.

1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | Forthcoming

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