Preprints of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society


Author: Dorodnyi, M. A.
Title: Operator error estimates for homogenization of the nonstationary Schrödinger-type equations: dependence on time
Comments: LaTeX, Russian, 44 pp.
Subj-class: 35B27
Submitted: 15.05.2019
Abstract, LaTeX, PDF

Author: Karol, A. I.
Title: Asymptotics of the singular numbers for compact pseudodifferential operators with nonsmooth symbols with respect to spatial variables
Comments: LaTeX, Russian, 19 pp.
Subj-class: 58G50
Submitted: 27.10.2019
Abstract, PDF

Author: Minabutdinov, A. R.
Title: $q$-weighted analogue of the Trollope-Delange formula
Comments: LaTeX, Russian, 7 pp.
Subj-class: 11A63; Secondary: 39B22
Submitted: 18.12.2019
Abstract, PDF

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