Preprints of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society


Authors: Malozemov, V. N.; Tsvetkov, K. Yu.
Title: A sampling theorem in Vilenkin-Chrestenson basis
Comments: Russian, 6 pp.
Subj-class: 42C10
Submitted: 12.02.2004
Abstract, PostScript (gzipped, 192 Kb)
Authors: Daugavet, V. A.; Tanygina, N. A.
Title: The estimate of the best approximation in the uniform $\Sigma\Pi$-approximation problem
Comments: Russian, 9 pp.
Subj-class: 90C30, Secondary: 49M25, 90C47
Submitted: 02.03.2004
Abstract, PostScript (gzipped, 56 Kb)
Author: Kalnitsky, V. S.
Title: The Jacobi algebras classification on homogeneous manifolds
Comments: English, LaTeX, 10 pp.
Subj-class: 53D25
Submitted: 13.04.2004
Abstract, LaTeX (22 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 123 Kb)
Author: Kalnitsky, V. S.
Title: Means generating the cone sections and the third degree polynomials
Comments: English, LaTeX, 6 pp.
Subj-class: 39B22
Submitted: 13.04.2004
Abstract, LaTeX (10 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 75 Kb)
Authors: Cameron, P. J.; Vershik, A. M.
Title: Some isometry groups of Urysohn space
Comments: English, LaTeX, 12 pp.
Subj-class: 20B27, Secondary: 51F99
Submitted: 04.08.2004
Abstract, LaTeX (26 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 110 Kb)
Author: Chistov, A. L.
Title: Monodromy and irreducibility criteria with algorithmic applications in zero--characteristic
Comments: English, LaTeX, 17 pp.
Subj-class: 14Q15
Submitted: 16.10.2004
Abstract, LaTeX (64 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 192 Kb)
Published in: Zap. Nauchn. Semin. St-Petersburg. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov (POMI). 2002. Vol. 292. P. 130-152 (in Russian).
Author: Chistov, A. L.
Title: Polynomial--time computation of the degree of a dominant morphism in zero--characteristic I
Comments: English, LaTeX, 32 pp.
Subj-class: 14Q15
Submitted: 16.10.2004
Abstract, LaTeX (124 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 266 Kb)
Published in: Zap. Nauchn. Semin. St-Petersburg. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov (POMI). 2004. Vol. 307. P. 189-235 (in Russian).
Author: Chistov, A. L.
Title: Polynomial--time computation of the degree of a dominant morphism in zero--characteristic II
Comments: English, LaTeX, 64 pp.
Subj-class: 14Q15
Submitted: 16.10.2004
Abstract, LaTeX (gzipped, 64 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 406 Kb)
Author: Chistov, A. L.
Title: A deterministic polynomial--time algorithm for the first Bertini theorem
Comments: English, LaTeX, 71 pp.
Subj-class: 14Q15
Submitted: 16.10.2004
Abstract, LaTeX (gzipped, 69 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 447 Kb)
Author: Chistov, A. L.
Title: Polynomial--time algorithms in zero--characteristic for a new model of representation of algebraic varieties
Comments: English, LaTeX, 27 pp.
Subj-class: 14Q15
Submitted: 16.10.2004
Abstract, LaTeX (100 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 229 Kb)
Author: Baranov, A. D.
Title: On $L^1$-norms of meromorphic functions with fixed poles
Comments: English, LaTeX, 15 pp.
Subj-class: 30D50, 30D55, Secondary: 46E15, 47B38
Submitted: 10.12.2004
Abstract, LaTeX (29 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 136 Kb)
Author: Sakharov, Alexander
Title: Median logic
Comments: English, LaTeX, 20 pp.
Subj-class: 03B55, Secondary: 03B20
Submitted: 13.12.2004
Abstract, PostScript (gzipped, 75 Kb)
Author: Chistov, A. L.
Title: A correction in the statement of my theorem on the efficient smooth cover and smooth stratification of an algebraic variety
Comments: English, LaTeX, 2 pp.
Subj-class: 14Q15
Submitted: 22.12.2004
Abstract, LaTeX (5 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 74 Kb)

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